#SKU: 296501
BARCODE: 8718127056290
Category: Background
Master carton quantity: 10
Package size length: 86.00cm
Package size width: 9.50cm
Package size height: 9.50cm
Gross weight: 1.86kg
HS-Code: 9006 69 00
Intrastat: 90066900

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Falcon Eyes Background Paper 80x100cm w/ Colour Gradient

The Falcon Eyes Gradual Colour Paper Background is suitable for use in conjunction with a photo table or tent. The different coloured backgrounds are useful in complimenting the product/s you are photographing. These backgrounds are supplied in the following colours: black, grey, pink, blue, orange, green and brown. 

Please note that the included orange colour replaced the yellow one, so the yellow color is not included anymore.