#SKU: 7029120
#SKU SUPPLIER: 7029120
BARCODE: 4027501165904
Category: Photo paper
Package size length: 65.00cm
Package size width: 14.00cm
Package size height: 14.00cm
Gross weight: 3.87kg
HS-Code: 3920 62 12
Intrastat: 39206212

Tecco Inkjet Paper Silver Glossy ISG250 A3 25 Vel

The ISG250 Iridium Silver Gloss is a shiny, metaldehyde silver photopaper with a special iridium like finish for an extremely high resolution.
Especially for professional photographers and ambitious hobby photographers. The unique "metallized" character is captured the way in industrial, automotive and jewelery prints. Also where chrome, gold, steel and silver are used, this product will show a fantastic results.

Perfect for industraial, automotive and jewlery print. As well for chrome, gold, steel and silver.